[Blindtlk] Harness Up: The Official Blog of the National Association of Guide dog Users

Marion Gwizdala blind411 at verizon.net
Fri Sep 12 18:06:48 UTC 2014

Please feel free to disseminate the following information as widely as



Dear All,


                One of the ongoing issues faced by guide and other service
dog users is access to zoos. During our 2013 annual meeting, the Vice
President of Federal Communication for the Association of Zoos & Aquariums
addressed our membership, along with their private ADA consultant and Mark
Jones from Disney. This collaboration is beginning to bear fruit! I want to
invite you to read more about this on Harness Up, the official blog of the
national Association of Guide dog Users. You may also wish to subscribe to
this blog in order to receive updates as they are posted. You can subscribe
and read our blog by visiting




Fraternally yours,


Marion Gwizdala, President

National Association of Guide Dog Users Inc.

National Federation of the Blind

(813) 626-2789

(888) 624-3841 (Hotline)

President at nagdu.org



High expectations create unlimited potential for the blind!



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