[Blindtlk] Fwd: [Seeingeye-l] Eye Disease In Dogs And Cats: How And When To Treat At Home (article)
Danielle Ledet
singingmywayin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 19:26:09 UTC 2015
Well, as another lister recently put it, we have run out of new topics
long ago so we revisit old ones for newbies to the guide dog
lifestyle, oldies who may need refreshers, and those who currently
have pets or hom are just interested in the way we do this.
I found this while going through my saved emails and thought may be
someone might benefit from it.
Note: The Seeing Eye list is no longer hosted there. Write me
personally if you would like to join. You must be a graduate, former
graduate, instructor, or puppy raiser I think though.
Note also: I have put my signature at the end of my messages with my
email address, but don't know why Gmail lists "quoted text" link for
you to open other messages or lists all other replies before you get
to that info. Sorry!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: evergreenwoods66 <evergreenwoods66 at yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 10:18:27 -0400
Subject: [Seeingeye-l] Eye Disease In Dogs And Cats: How And When To
Treat At Home (article)
To: seeing eye list <Seeingeye-l at list.web.net>
Eye Disease In Dogs And Cats: How And When To Treat At Home
Dr. Andrew Jones | March 23, 2013
Your pet's eye is one of the more critical, and sensitive parts of
their anatomy. There are a number of different
eye disorders,
and many of those are amenable to at
home remedies.
The common eye disorders include:
(red eye
or pink eye), epiphora (excessive tearing), uveitis, KCS (dry eye), glaucoma,
corneal ulceration, and PRA (progressive retinal atrophy).
Some of the more common signs include your pet's eyes being red with a
yellow or
green discharge.
The eyes continue to water. Your dog or cat may squint or rub their
eyes. The tissue around the eye appears swollen. With cataracts, the
middle of the
eye (the lens) appears cloudy.
The causes of 'red eye' are numerous. The most common are bacterial
bacterial infection
of the tissue around the eye, and allergic conjunctivitis. Other,
more serious causes include glaucoma (swelling in the eye) or an
on the cornea (erosion on the surface of the eye).
Conjunctivitis is defined as
of the red, conjunctival tissue around your pet's eye. It is the most
common cause of red eye in dogs and cats. There are many at home
remedies that can
be used for conjunctivitis.
Glaucoma is defined as excessive pressure inside the eye. The eye is
filled with fluid, which constantly drains. In glaucoma, the fluid is
not draining,
resulting in a buildup of pressure in the eye. Glaucoma is an
emergency, and the signs to watch for include sudden bulging of the
eye, redness, marked
eye pain, enlarged pupil.
Epiphora or excessive tearing is usually a result of the tear ducts
being obstructed, and the tears cannot be drained normally. They are
then visible streaming
down the corner of your pet's eyes. Cats commonly have upper
respiratory viral infections which can predispose them to recurring
eye tearing.
Uveitis is defined as an inflammation of the parts of the eye (the
uvea), which contain
blood vessels
; those parts of the eye that are connected by blood vessels to the
rest of the body. Uveitis is inflammation of the inside of the eye.
Signs include cloudiness,
eye pain, miosis (small pupil).
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is called dry eye and is caused from
a lack of tear production. The signs are a mucoid, dry looking eye,
with accompanied
Corneal ulceration is defined as damage to the surface of the eye (the
cornea). It is very painful, with signs of squinting, discoloration of
the cornea,
redness, often white opacity around the wound.
are eye
and your pet should be examined by your veterinarian if you suspect this.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is an inherited eye disorder which
affects the back of the eye (the retina). As the name suggests, it
slowly degenerates,
and can lead to complete blindness. A few key points: there is no real
treatment, it is not painful, and results in complete blindness.
In Cataracts, you will see a whitening in the center of your pet's
eye. The lens is the structure which sits in the middle of the eye and
focuses light.
It will become cloudy, no longer being clear. In most cases you may
not notice any changes, except seeing the cloudiness. In other cases
you will see that
your pet doesn't see as well at night. In some cases of severe
cataract formation your pet will become blind, although this usually
only happens in pets
with diabetes.
TO THE VETERINARIAN. Here are three signs to trigger an immediate call
to your veterinarian: if your pet's eye infection is painful, with
your pet rubbing
her eye; if the main part of the eye, the cornea, appears to be
indented or layered; and if the entire eye suddenly becomes cloudy.
EYE TEARS. The lubricated eye tears used for people with minor
eye infections
can be very soothing for your pet. First wipe any discharge away from
the eyes using a damp cloth then apply 2-3 drops in the affected eye
three times
TO THE KITCHEN. Tea is more than just a drink. It has
in it which are anti-inflammatory and have
antimicrobial properties.
Brew up a strong cup of
black tea
and place 3-4 drops in the affected eye three times daily. It should
be made daily to prevent contamination.
and anti-inflammatory properties. To make a solution, mix 5 drops of
Eyebright in 125 ml (1/2 cup) of saline solution. Using an eyedropper,
place two drops
in the affected eye twice daily for 5-7 days.
BELLADONNA. Stops inflammation and is often used for pinkeye, give 3
tablets of 30C daily. PULSATILLA. Used when redness is accompanied by
yellow or green
discharge, give 30C, 2-3 tablets daily.
LYSINE. In cases of epiphora ( execesive eye tearing) one can use the
AMINO ACID LYSINE. L-lysine has proven antiviral activity, and is a
mainstay in treating
and curing cats with recurrent Herpes Virus respiratory infections. It
comes as a Veterinary paste, (Enisyl). The dose is 100 mg per 10 lbs
twice daily
for at least 12 weeks. This is also found in Ultimate Canine and Ultimate
Feline Health Formulas.
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