[Blindtlk] Vacationing Without Vision

Szostak, Christine szostak.1 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Tue Mar 10 14:26:12 UTC 2015

Hi All,
  I was wondering if anyone here has either gone on a cruise or stayed at a beach resort (e.g., Myrtle Beach...) without any vision and without any sighted assistance. If so, what was your experience like and would you do it again? Were you able to easily do things that you wanted (e.g., going to the beach without obvious landmarks at the beach...) or get accommodations to do so easily...? Also, do you have recommendations for someone who has never done something like this without sighted assistance but is interested in doing so?
Have a fantastic week all!

Dr. Christine M. Szostak
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Social Sciences
Shorter University
Rome, Georgia
szostak.1 at osu.edu<mailto:szostak.1 at osu.edu>
cszostak at shorter.edu

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