[Blindtlk] An independence update

Judy Jones jtj1 at cableone.net
Sat Mar 14 00:21:53 UTC 2015

Very awesome.

When we lived in Turkey there was a spiral staircase going up to our 
apartment, and I went to school with one.

Those are consistent spiral staircases I dealt with and never thought 
anything about them.  Depending on the width of the step, some are easier to 
navigate on the wider part of the stair, while others are easier to do the 
narrower part of the stair, depending on the angle and spiral of the stairs.

The proper thing to do, though, of course, when traveling, is to stay to the 
right, whether on a stairway, sidewalk, hallway, etc, unless you're looking 
for your destination.

Very awesome for you in your travels.  Keep up the good work.


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