[Blindtlk] Extremely! and I do mean, ex, tremely! offended by a comment on NFB Talk!

Christopher-Mark Gilland clgilland07 at gmail.com
Fri May 22 03:58:11 UTC 2015

David, I hate putting you in this position, but if this isn't dealt with accordingly, I'll be leaving the list for good!

Did you see Dianne's message in response to mine?  I asked a very very simple question.  OK, the second part of it was very very very! far stretched, I'll admit, but on earth, being I've all my life had a little vision, it's something I don't know how to relate to, and figured I would ask.  So again, when totally blind with no vision at all, I ask, do you see in your dreams?  Dianne wrote back and all she says is, Get a life?  Excuse me?  Yet another reason I don't post to the list.  I found that incredibly! disrespectful, when I was asking a very sincere genuine question.

Again, I don't mean to put you in a tough situation, but please! please! will you send an admin message letting people know that on this list, it is asked for all to be respectful of one another as a gentle reminder?  Frankly, if I was a mod of a list, and I got a report of that type message, and I saw it go through, that party would be on moderated status quicker than you can say lickity split!

I'm honestly speechless, not to mention utterly appalled!


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