[Blindtlk] Introducing Myself Plus Notetaker Question

Vejas Vasiliauskas alpineimagination at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 03:00:30 UTC 2016

Hi All,
I am new to this list but not new to NFBNET.  Many of you 
probably already know me.  My name is Vejas Vasiliauskas.  I am a 
freshman at Loyola Marymount University and also graduated LCB in 
June of 2016.  I am fairly active on NABS and Stylist.  I have 
joined so that I can both gain some additional perspective on 
certain matters, as well as give advice to others.
I would like to ask input on your experience with the newest 
notetakers.  For these of you on NABS, I know there has already 
been some discussion, but I am just looking for all possible 
perspectives.  I currently have a Braillenote Apex.  I definitely 
like it, and would say that it probably has about another few 
months or so.
I am debating between two notetakers because of their many 
capabilities and their new software.  The first is the 
Braillenote Touch.  I have heard many stories from users, both 
positive and negative.  The second is the Neo-Braille, produced 
by Neo-Access but distributed by Airie AT.  The Neo-Braille was 
shown at convention, although I have heard barely any talk about 
it, either positive or negative, anywhere in the blind community 
that I know of.  I like the capabilities and that it still uses a 
Braille keyboard, but the fact that it has generally not been 
widely discussed makes me wonder about this device.  Any 
experiences with either of these 2 devices, both positive and 
negative, are very much appreciated.

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