[Blindtlk] To Visualize or not to Visualize: That is the question:)!

Szostak, Christine szostak.1 at buckeyemail.osu.edu
Wed Jan 13 23:40:38 UTC 2016

Hi All,
  I have a question I would love to pose to the list. This comes from a discussion that I was having with the students in one of the classes I am teaching this morning.

 We were talking about whether the students  believed that if they were to lose all of their vision as adults, would they visualize their surroundings (i.e., having visual spatial maps of locations in your head, picturing  what others look like, picturing what you are physically doing...). This lead to a really engaging and actually quite positive and eye-opening so-to-speak discussion that was really encouraging to see. The discussion was part of an upper-level course in psychology.

  Thus, based on their discussion, I was curious what others here  who lost all or at least all usable vision during adulthood do? In other words, do you visualize or not and why?

  I have to say that I was really  pleasantly surprised about how open and professional they acted about the question when having to discuss it in front of me as this is exactly my situation (lost total vision as a young adult).
Have a wonderful almost weekend all!
Dr. Christine M. Szostak
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Social Sciences
Shorter University
Rome, Georgia
szostak.1 at osu.edu<mailto:szostak.1 at osu.edu>
cszostak at shorter.edu

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