[Blindtlk] Bluetooth keyboard question

Ericka dotwriter1 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 18:44:55 UTC 2016

Hello everyone! People get such great advice so I thought I would ask early start here with my concern. I like to write and I recently acquired a Bluetooth keyboard and an iPad mini 2.  I can type fine, but is there a way to select an edit text with the keyboard versus using the touchscreen? I'm talking about deleting paragraphs not a couple letters or words here and there. I know what jobs you can do control shift and an arrow key to select a word. Is there anything with voiceover or am I just stuck? 

That's my question for today. When my keyboard and iPad decide to not pair together  after recharging I'll be asking more!

Thanks for any insight.

Ericka Short
"What is right is not always popular; what is popular is not always right."

 from my iPhone 6s

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