[Blindtlk] An Update on My Independence

Bob Hachey bhachey at verizon.net
Fri Jan 13 17:40:56 UTC 2017

Hi Roanna,
I know I'm way behind on this list.
Good for you! 
Putting these two every day tasks in the same message caught my attension
and here's why.
My wife and I have been together for 35 years. I am definitely the
dishwasher here. My wife is a very good cook, but, since she detests washing
dishes, I'm thinking if I weren't willing to do them, she'd doo a good bit
less cooking from scratch.
On the other hand, I can't stand folding laundry! I don't mind actually
washing and drying laundry so long as I don't have to fold it! I recall a
funny incident when we were first going together. She was visiting me at
Boston College from her home in Connecticut and I was doing laundry. I was
very hopeful that I could cajole her into folding the clean clothes; but she
insisted that since I was independent, I should fold my own clothes. She
actually sat there and even made a few sarcastic remarks as I struggled to
get that done!. Thankfully, I have had to fold very few loads of laundry
since that day.
I guess there are two ways of looking at this one. From an optimistic
perspective, we have a wonderfully symbiotic arrangement in which I wash
dishes and she folds laundry. Looking at this from a more pessimistic
perspective, one could argue that we're co-depemdent! LOL.
Bob Hachey 

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