[Blindtlk] Here he comes...

Ray Foret jr rforet7706 at comcast.net
Sat Jan 21 14:28:47 UTC 2017

James, friend, I could not have stated the case better.  I disliked Obama intencely:  nevertheless, he was my president whether I liked him or not.  Now, President Trump was not my first choice:  but, he is my president.  What is the point in being a snowflake about this?  There is none.

I say let cooler heads prevail.

Sent from my Mac, The Only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in

Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray,

Still a very happy Comcast XFinity Voice Guidance, Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone7+ and Apple TV user!

> On Jan 20, 2017, at 10:51 PM, James Kelm via blindtlk <blindtlk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Dear Jen and fellow listers...
>   I want to respond to your question sincerely, and honestly, and from the heart to use an overly used saying.  But I'm going to come at it from a little different viewpoint, and I hope that you will understand what I am trying to say.
>   When responding to my thoughts considering Donald Trump now being officially our new president, I do not want to openly declare whether I voted for him or not, or whether I was one of his supporters prior to today. What I do want to say is that whatever my personal views where prior to today, He is my, as well as all of our president from this day forward. That is what in my opinion is the most important thing!  Donald Trump is now the president of United States, and while we all certainly have the responsibility to express our views on specific issues, and work to maintain those laws and policies that best reflect our own individual adjenda, but as an over all general perception, I think that we all have to now recognize the fact of reality that he is the president, and our best future rests within his success within his office!  In other words if he is successful, it will mean that the country will be successful as a general rule.  If he fails horribly, this will mean that our country will fail!  Since I am a member of this country's population, I do not want to fail!
>   I watch the protesters on the news saying things like "he is not my president", "I refuse to recognize him as America's president", and "I want to see him fail and go down in flames".  Although I am sure that these folks are sincere in their feelings, in my humble opinion they have not recognized or understood the reality of what they are stating.  The appropriate time to appose an individual is during the compain.  This is when we can, and in fact should loudly and aggressively work to motivate apposing voters, make public apposing statements, etc.  At this time we can offer an rejection of any candidates which we don't like.  But once a person has been elected and has become the president, in my opinion that time has ended.  We live in a republic democracy, and this says that some time our candidate will win, and some time he or she will lose.  It can be tough when someone whom we do not like becomes the winner, but that is the price of living in a democracy. Now we have to be selfish, and work to make a president an overwhelming winner and a success, because by doing so it will make us a winner and a success.  He is now the president, and as long as we live in this country, he is all of our president!  To refuse to acknowledge this is to refuse reality.  Whether I personally like or dislike Trump, the fact is that he is now my president, simply because I am an American.  There are still those who are protesting his election, with the hopes that he will be replaced by someone that they like better.  Well, the only way that this can happen is if we stop being a democratic nation, which is something that I personally do not wish to do!  All that I can do is to wish him the best, pray for his success, and if I don't like the results then work to support a different candidate next time around!  But refusing to acknowledge him as the president right now, is kind of like refusing to accept that it is January, because I do not like cold weather.  Nothing has changed, nor will it change, other than for the fact that I have rejected to see what is reality!
>   There is one other aspect to Donald Trump's presidency that bothers me as well.  By me rejecting him, refusing to accept him as the president, and now working to try and get him replaced...  I am basically dismissing the millions of Americans that did vote for him.  I am saying that I disagree with millions of Americans, and my viewpoint is so much more valuable than theirs, that they should be dismissed and my candidate should be put into Trumps place.  This seems rather arrogant to me.
>   Donald Trump and Barack Obama are extremely different types of Presidents, and I would dare say that there are very few people who like them both.  But the fact is that they were both elected presidents, and therefore both was my president, since I am an American.  We teach our children that they can not always win, and that it is important that they learn to be graceful losers.  This is a lesson that I am afraid that many adult Americans have either forgotten, or refuse to follow.  This makes me sad, because they are actually rejecting one of the principals that make us the greatest country on earth!
>   This is simply my own individual opinion, and some of you folks may disagree!  *smile*
> James
> -----Original Message----- From: Jen via blindtlk
> Sent: Friday, January 20, 2017 8:16 PM
> To: nfb-talk at nfbnet.org ; blindtlk at nfbnet.org
> Cc: Jen
> Subject: [Blindtlk] Here he comes...
> President Trump, that is.
> I'm sending this message to both lists because I'm in a weird surveying mood
> and want to get as many thoughts as positive, so I'm sorry if you get
> duplicates.
> What are your thoughts on his presidency as blind people?
> On "Blind Talk," I was reading about the "Aim High" law, and I respect that.
> But I don't think Betsy DeVos will ensure accessability gfor blind students
> unless she is really pushed to do so.
> What are your thoughts on the inauguration if you watched / listened to it?
> I watched a lot of the inauguration today. Strangely, I'm addicted to the
> "oath of office" part of every inauguration; I don't know why. When Trump
> and Pence took their turns, I almost held my breath because I was afraid
> they would screw it up, and I was so relieved they didn't!
> I didn't like Trump's inaugural speech that much because it was stuff
> regurgiated right from the campaign trail. Plus, the news anchor covering
> the inauguration said Trump was reading from a Teleprompter, and people
> reading from Teleprompters have always sounded fake to me.
> But back to the bright side. In addition to the oaths of office being done
> well, the national anthem was, too. I loved when Jackie hit the high note at
> the end and when they played "Hail to the Chief" after Trump's oath and the
> 21-gun salute. Nothing like new pictures for my mind's eye...
> How about you?
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