[BlindTlk] Working in a Garden

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Thu Oct 4 13:59:40 UTC 2018

To do this, perhaps a visit to your nearest land grant college or land
grant university will help.  Contacting the horticulture department and
explaining what you want to learn the Professors can arrange a real
educational class for you.  Land grant colleges and universities get
subsidies from the United States Department Of Agriculture to help people
in this situation.  I have Delaware Valley University nearby and it is a
land grant university and if you own land, it is possible to phone the
University and request a soil test and give them your address.  The tests
are done by students and graded by Professors so are likely to be accurate
or a student's grades will suffer.  Also, land grant colleges and
universities have markets where produce and other farm products get sold.
The thing to keep in mind is if you have a large family and buy in bulk
you'll save money


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