[BlindTlk] MyCart users

Ericka dotwriter1 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 21:01:47 UTC 2018

Hey usually we’re complaining here but I wanted to tell you about an app which actually works and is made by the electronic medical records software company EPIC. 

UW Madison hospitals and clinics uses a charting system called MyChart. For any blind individual working in the other areas rather than patient oriented I do not know if they are as accessible. As a patient however, once I figured out how to download and get my password into the app everything is 100% accessible. I can find out what kind of medical records they have on me, connect with doctors through email and be reminded of appointments to just to name a few things. It’s been a blessing because I’ve forgotten a lot of things well planning a wedding and it has saved me. I can also say I have gotten some questions answered rather than needing to go into the doctors office to ask them. And this is great because you never rember all your questions when you go in there do you?

In the world of battles with technology, epic got it right and I think them.

Ericka Short

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