[BlindTlk] Google Drive Questions.

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 01:27:55 UTC 2019

Hello everyone,


Believe it or not, I am just now taking time to start to learn to use Google
Drive.  I've been wanting to use it for a long time, but just now taking the
time, so I have some very novice question for you pros out there.


First, from my PC running Windows 10 and Jaws 18, I'm finding that, in
trying to upload my documents folder, the folder will not upload, and I
don't know how to troubleshoot the problem.


I did go on Google to find some answers, but not sure if the answers I found
even relate to any issue I am having, I'm that much a beginner with Google


Oh yes, I am also using Jaws 18, and the browsers I have on my computer are
Firefox, Google Chrome and IE 11.  Edge isn't invited to this party hahaha.


Thanks for any help you can give me.




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