[BlindTlk] Quiet Car Question.

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 15:46:00 UTC 2019

Hello, All,


Just curious, how are you all dealing with quiet cars when crossing major
lighted intersections?  So far, no problems, but would love to hear any
experiences or tips that could help improve my awareness.


I have been crossing lighted intersections, using either a cane or guide dog
since I was a teen, back in the sixties.


It seems harder now, because of the right on red, and that many lights have
changed by the time the right-on-reds let up.


But my main concern is quiet cars.  I try to be extra vigilent, and so far,
so good.


Any experience and information appreciated, and thanks for helping satisfy
my curiosity. 



"Embrace the day with its mercies and blessings."


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