[BlindTlk] Please forward to the Humanware list and Eyes-Free list.FW: Android Newsline App.

Judy Jones sonshines59 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 23:19:43 UTC 2019



Many in Androidland wish to see the NFB develop the Newsline app for the
Android platform, and Scott White told me in conversation that he has
received many calls to that end.


As I am not on the lists  mentioned in the subject-line, I would appreciate
it if anyone on those lists could forward this e-mail, to let them know that
Scott told me he plans to present the request to those concerned in the
development at our national convention.


Thank you, Scott!



"Embrace the day with its mercies and blessings."


From: Judy Jones [mailto:sonshines59 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2019 4:14 PM
To: 'swhite at nfb.org'
Subject: Android Newsline App.


Hello, Scott,


I have been doing some work since speaking with you regarding the request
for an Android Newsline app.


I'm glad that you received mail and calls, as it is helping you to realize
how many users of the Android platform there are out here.


On the Antad list alone, there are 133 blind users.


Phonesforthe blind 67 users.


The Eyes-Free group dealing with Android Accessibility has 4938 members.


People on these lists many times have both Android and Apple devices.


Hims-notetakers-chat group has 114 members, and HIMS makes the Android
BrailleSense Polaris.


Braillenote users have 161 members, and the BrailleNoteTouch Plus is also an
Android device.


Estimated total number of blind users of the Android platform: 5413.


To heighten further awareness, go to



Anyone having gone to CSUN also understands that, worldwide, Android is a
major player, as they offer more than one device by different manufacturers,
and many devices are less expensive than the well-known flagship devices.


The reason so much can be offered on the Android platform is that it is open


I hope this information will help you present the case during this year's
national convention for developing the Newsline app for Android.


I am also CC-ing the lists mentioned above, so Androideans will understand
what you are accomplishing on our behalf.


Thank you very much for your work in making this happen for us.



"Embrace the day with its mercies and blessings."



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