[BlindTlk] Blind Intelligence Analyst Sues FBI and Department of Justice (fwd)

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Tue Nov 26 09:21:57 UTC 2019


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2019 22:17:21
From: "Olusegun -- Victory Associates LTD, Inc." <ukekearuaro at valtdnet.com>
Reply-To: antad at googlegroups.com
To: antad at googlegroups.com
Subject: Blind Intelligence Analyst Sues FBI and Department of Justice

This one might run for years unend, but, there could be an attempt to SETTLE

The course of KEEPING OUR GREAT LANDS safe and secure is the job of all,
blind or otherwise.  But when the organ of government that's supposed to
JEALOUSLY GUARD against discriminatory practices looks the other way, it's
time to say HELLO and have it come back home.

Invoking Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the
Justice Department and the FBI are being sued for failing to promote and
encourage reasonable accommodations as required under law.

The blind intelligence analyst bringing the suit is hamstrung, unable to
discharge the duties required by the job as well as other assigned tasks

Far too often, we go to war against mainstream market for falling short when
it comes to compliance with the ADA and related laws; however, each of our
trillion governments:  City, county, state, and federal are equally guilty,
constantly finding ways to wiggle themselves away from being caught in the
act of persistent discrimination.

This is one that I will keep watching with keen interest.  This might go all
the way to SCOTUS, and may be the blind may yet record another victory.
I'll keep scanning the dockets and yell when there's a major break; stay

Denver, Colorado

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