[BlindTlk] why the help for verizon fios?

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Tue Dec 15 00:30:03 UTC 2020

1) Even for sighted people verizon documentation stinks.
1.1) MacDonalds icons in documentation see pip in the earlier verizon fios
help I sent earlier.
1.2) the remote and certainly the stb don't emit any audio tones as things
happen Alexander Graham Bell would be very unhappy with the corporates and
designers that released this.
1.3) You need adequate color vision and light perception to set up a tv if
yours isn't accessible.
2) Verizon channel line-up on its website along with the whole verizon
website is another monster mess!
2.1) All I'm going to write about that is this, verizon's website is the
only website I have ever run into with upwards of 700 links on it.
3) I wanted and want to keep others from running into the difficulties I
had getting this far with verizon fios.


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