[BlindTlk] Stormux is born. (fwd)

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Wed Mar 11 23:37:14 UTC 2020


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 19:13:55
From: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list at redhat.com>
To: Linux for blind general discussion <blinux-list at redhat.com>
Subject: Stormux is born.

Hello list,

As some of you may know the F123Light project came to an end for lack of

But, like a phoenix rising from ashes, a new project is born and
continues F123: Stormux, developed by a small team led by Billy Wolfe
aka Storm Dragon.

Let's quote its home page https://stormux.org/

> Stormux aims to bring a low cost, fully accessible to the blind, general
> purpose computer to the masses. Stormux is configured to be accessible
> out of the box. All you need do is write the image, insert the card, and
> plug it in to get started.
> Stormux is optimized for the Raspberry Pi 4. It runs the Mate desktop
> and is powered by Arch Linux.
> Stormux provides access to the console using the Fenrir screen reader,
> and the desktop using Orca.

Stormux is in a very early stage, but images are already available here:

If you want to try, it is highly recommended to register to the mailing
list, so that you can get help and provide feedback.
Information: https://groups.io/g/stormux
To subscribe: stormux+subscribe at groups.io

You can support financially the project: Storm has now a Patreon page
for that, as he recently wrote on the Stormux mailing list:
I encourage you to do so, so that the Stormux project can continue to
develop itself.

Why, as the developer of Slint, another accessible Linux distribution,
do I spread the word about Stormux? Because:
1. We do not compete. Slint is for x86_64 computers only so far.
2. It's good that blind computer users have a choice.
3. I have a high esteem for Storm and the Stormux team, and we help each
other for the mutual benefit of our projects.

Best regards,
Didier Spaier

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