[BlindTlk] next Senior call, Pedestrian Crime and Prevention
plipovsky at cfl.rr.com
Wed Nov 11 23:31:46 UTC 2020
Greetings Seniors and other interested parties.
Our next senior meeting is on November 11th, beginning at 7 pm..
Have you ever felt that you were being watched by someone when traversing around out in Public? You knew they were there, but they said nothing? Are there things we can do to make ourselves less of a target and look unapproachable?
I’m sure we all probably know by now that when we are out and about, there may be times when we are being observed by someone in the general public, whether it’s from afar, or close by. ; and this intention of this observance could very well be an honest one, getting a perspective of visually impaired people and how we walk, talk, and chew gum. But sadly, the other side of the coin could be this intention of observing may not be an honest one at all, and could possibly have some mal intent attached to it.
On our next senior call, our topic will be pedestrian crime and prevention. We are very lucky to have Mike Chitwood, the Sheriff of Volusia County, join us to speak to us about things we can do to KEEP OURSELVES SAFE, along with various other things we can do when out in public to protect ourselves to avoid becoming a statistic and a victim of crime.
So, mark your calendars to Join us on the evening of November 11 at 7 pm along with your questions and comments for what I’m sure will prove to be a very interesting program.
Please see the zoom information below.
Topic: Pedestrian Crime and prevention
Time: November 11, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
<https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3048708453?pwd=R0xkR1prYm5LUjZiUEUzenYyeEE2QT09> https://us02webzoom.us/j/3048708453?pwd=R0xkR1prYm5LUjZiUEUzenYyeEE2QT09
Meeting ID: 304 870 8453
Passcode: 196899
One tap mobile
Dial by landline
+1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 304 870 8453
Passcode: 196899
Patricia A. Lipovsky
President, coalition and Concerns of the Totally Blind
Friends of Library Access Board Member
Membership and outreach Chair
Newsletter Editor
plipovsky at cfl.rr.com <mailto:plipovsky at cfl.rr.com>
Home: (386) 255-0288
Cell: (386) 212-6627
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