[BlindTlk] welcome to a special episode 35 of Blind android Users podcast.

Austin Pinto austinpinto.xaviers at gmail.com
Sun Aug 8 12:27:20 UTC 2021

hi all, and welcome to episode 35 of blind android users’ podcast.
please listen to this podcast to the very end with concentration, find
the magic word or phrase, and send it to us by email to
contactus at blindandroidusers.com
1 of you will win an annual subscription for envision for a year.
to listen to short segments, please visit this playlist.
you can listen to this and all previous episodes by going to
we have rebuilt this website and made it accessible, please visit and
give your feedback using the feedback form or email to
contactus at blindandroidusers.com
feedback will not be read on the podcast but will be implemented.
in this episode we talk about colour detectors.
we demo the colour detection of envision and Sullivan Plus.
then we demo a colour detector app Colour Grab
for our spotlight segment, we have Kartik from envision for an interview.
envision is available on android and IOS
envision has a sale going on starting today up to September 8th and
you can purchase envision from
or from within the app.
you get 30% off for annual plan or 30% off lifetime plan.
and for Indian listeners, this year envision has added lots of Indian
payment methods, please listen to the entire interview to learn more.
in our app of the week, Kareen Kiwan demos auto tts app.
in our talkback tip of the week, Warren shows some gestures to make
navigating around your phone easy.
thanks for listening, stay tune for episode 36.

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