[BlindTlk] This week on Eyes On Success: Accessibility Features Introduced in iOS 15

BlueSkies BlueSkies11 at torpey.info
Wed Oct 27 04:46:04 UTC 2021

This week's episode of eyes On Success is:

 <http://www.EyesOnSuccess.net/eos_2144_podcast.mp3> 2144 Accessibility
Features Introduced in iOS 15 (Oct. 27, 2021)
 <http://www.EyesOnSuccess.net/show_notes_2144.htm> Show Notes
Every year Apple releases a new and improved operating system for iOS
devices. Each release also often comes with new accessibility features, and
this year is no exception. Hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk with Dean
Hudson, Apple's Accessibility Evangelist, about some of the new features
that are expected to benefit visually impaired users in iOS 15.


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