[BlindTlk] what the transcribers won't use

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Wed Feb 8 04:25:24 UTC 2023

Sometimes it's useful to make tables in braille and these tables go way
beyond a 42 character line length.  Case in point, for Business
administration students Accounting has its Adjusted Trial Balance Tables.
Those have 12 columns in them so no way are they about to fit on a single
The way around this one I figured out works so long as the longest entry
in all columns does not go over 42 characters using grade 2 or grade 3
braille as necessary.
Each page gets one or more column headings and columns that will fit on
it.  The top of the page gets the column headings each followed by two
numbers.  The first is the number of the page in that column and the
second is the total number of pages in that column.
The first page in the table is a key giving column headings to follow.
All of it is secured together to protect against loss.
Too often in my earlier life I had to come up with unorthodox solutions
that worked for me in the context of using braille.  This is one of those
and anyone using it that runs into questions or potential or actual
problems with it I'll help where possible.
In the information science field systems analysis has cloud diagrams with
all manner of strange shapes on them and I didn't end up coming up with
anything I thought satisfactory to handle those strange shapes and
effectively representing communicating text had been written inside those

Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in
defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)


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