[Blindvet-talk] {Disarmed} Fwd: Space-Available Air Travel

NABlindVets at aol.com NABlindVets at aol.com
Thu Aug 20 15:36:04 UTC 2015

 From: BlindguysRus1 at aol.com
To: nablindvets at aol.com
Sent: 8/20/2015  11:34:51 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Space-Available Air  Travel

In a message dated 8/19/2015 2:39:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
lbogle at dav.org writes:

On May 12, 2015, Representative Gus  Bilirakis of Florida introduced H.R. 
2264 to permit  veterans who have service-connected, total and  permanent 
disabilities to travel on military  aircraft in the same manner and to the same 
extent  as retired members of the armed forces are entitled  to such 

This bill would  amend title 10, United States Code, to afford  priority to 
totally disabled veterans for  transportation on scheduled and unscheduled 
military  flights within the continental United States and on  scheduled 
overseas flights operated by the Air  Mobility Command, on a space-available  

Please use the prepared e-mail  or draft your own message to request that 
your  Representative support this important bill and ask  that the measure be 
brought to the floor for a vote  and passed as soon as possible.

Thank  you for all you do for veterans and their  families.

Click the link below to log in and  send your message:
_https://www.votervoice.net/BroadcastLinks/01K1k2mpH6I8-zyuireDtA  _ 

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