[Blindvet-talk] Memorial Day

Marianne Haas braillewoman at earthlink.net
Sat May 23 18:04:45 UTC 2015

Good Morning Everyone,
I am the partner of a disabled Veteran.  I remember the sacrifices those men
and women made for us all.

I have a couple of thoughts:
There is a whole group of  disenfranchised  Veterans, namely Veterans of the
Cold War.  In order to not have to pay many benefits, the government claims
that the Cold War was not a war.  Then, why is it called Cold War?  Vietnam
was when the Cold War got hot.  Let us also remember those Veterans who were
in the classified world, and cannot talk about what they know and still
suffer from what they had to see.  Remembrance can take many forms.  We
could, for instance, work toward a Cold War Metal for the effected Veterans.

Marianne Haas, CA

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