[blparent] preschool and other programs

Holly Idler hbeanie at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 00:37:26 UTC 2008

My son goes to preschool/daycare while I work. I really like some of his
teachers. Sometimes a person does not have the ability, regardless if it is
financial, transportation, or disability relater to pull their child out and
put them into another daycare.
Jacy has been at the same daycare since he was 2 months old. It is the only
one within walking distance of my home and my job. As a single parent I
don't depend on para transit to get to work or daycare because I just cannot
afford it. It seems that every other classroom is fantastic. His infant room
did sign language and interacted with him a lot. I was also welcome at all
times. I took my lunch breaks and nursed him everyday. When he went into the
12-18 months class, the teachs did not seem to be as interested in his
educational growth. They seemed to just be baby sitting the children. When
the daycare center offered him to get move up a month earily, I was all for
it. The 18-24 month class was another fantastic room. The teachers
interacted with him greatly. They again, did not have a problem with me
coming in and/or observing him during his day. They helped inforce manners,
taking turns, standing in line, waiting paiently, etc. I cried when he
turned 2 because he had to leave Ms. Rocks class.
Jacy has now been in the two year old class for nine months. I think the
children should move up every six months but maybe it is beacuse the main
teacher cannot communicate with parents. She relays on the assistant to talk
to parents. She is a flake without a clue. The assistant and I get along. I
want my son to say yes not yea and he has been fully potty tranined before
he was 2 1/2. The assistant helped with that, not the main teacher. He loves
the assistant and her daughter baby sits for me when needed.
I only have three more months in this class then Jacy can start Pre-k and
the cost will be about half of what I am paying now. I'm looking into the
private school that is about three miles from home to enroll him in when he
turns three. I will have a super long walk in the morning but maybe the city
buses will run early enough to get me back to work on time. We will have to
I want the best for Jacy, or the best I can provide him. I think we all want
that for our kids.
"God gives you 86,400 seconds in a day. Take one to say Thank You."
Walter A. Ward

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