[blparent] Potty training and eating by herself.

Nikki Fugett-Dobens nfugett at cinci.rr.com
Mon Aug 17 20:48:48 UTC 2009

Hi.  I'm not sure how old your daughter is, but I am a member of an online 
resource called baby center, and they always have informative emails.  Last 
week, I got an article on potty training and a readiness checklist.  My 
daughter is only 13 months, so I'm not currently using the information, but 
it sounded really good.  If you're interested, I can email the article and 
readiness checklist to you off list.
As far as eating on her own, there are articles that suggest finger foods 
that a lot of kids enjoy on the website.  My daughter likes to put 
everything in her mouth, so she just started eating.  We put her in her high 
chair each time to eat, and kind of have a meal time routine.  We ate with 
her, and she began to immitate what we did.  Also, putting it in her hand 
and guiding it to her mouth helps to introduce the concept.
Let me know if you're interested in the article and the web site.  There are 
so many good articles and information on many topics.  I hope this helps.

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