[blparent] CHSFS updates

Trinh, Lisa LTrinh at CHSFS.ORG
Fri Dec 4 22:01:07 UTC 2009

Hi Dave,
How are you? I have a new little girl from Latin America waiting for 
her family. Could you post her information please?

This beautiful girl has long, dark hair. She was just turned 7 years 
old. She likes to attend school and her favorite subjects are science 
and Spanish. She is a highly motivated young girl that doesn't allow 
her low vision to interfere with her abilities. She likes to go 
swimming. She enjoys riding bike and skating. She swings and can 
climb trees. She is affectionate with her foster family and is 
comforted with her stuffed animals and dolls. This lovely girl waits 
for a life-long family that can provide her with love and support.

Also, I'm not sure if you have any direct links to our website but 
our adoption portion will all be accessible by 
<http://www.chsfs.org>www.chsfs.org by the end of the month. 
Currently, we direct families to childrenshomeadopt.org if they have 
adoption questions.

Happy holidays to you and your family!


Lisa Trinh, Waiting International Child Specialist
Children's Home Society & Family Services  | 651.255.2252  | ltrinh at chsfs.org
1605 Eustis Street / St. Paul, 
MN  55108  |  <blocked::http://www.chsfs.org/>chsfs.org

Children's Home Society & Family Services is driven by a belief in 
the fundamental human rights of children to have security, 
opportunity, permanency and a loving family.

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