[blparent] it somces closer

Eileen Levin eileenlevin at comcast.net
Wed Dec 16 23:51:16 UTC 2009

If you want to practice the carrier installation, a ten pound bag of flower
will play the part of the baby quite nicely. And if you drop it the results
will be realistically disasterous.  

Wwhen my babies were small I used the kind of carrier with the handle so
they were well protected.
I actually dropped by new born down 5 stairs into our asphalt drive way one
horrible morning. Thank god the baby was small, the carrier was big and
padded and the carrier just rolled over with the baby unharmed.  
With my mobile children I shoo them into the vehicle, while I struggle with
packages etc. I'm not taking any chances with my little indians dashing off
into the road. I keep the dog's leash on some part of my body, but in such a
way that if she does decide to chase a squirrel I can let go quickly without
getting hurt.  I love my dog but she is very strong when she wants to be. 

 I frequently leave my dog at home and use the cane which ever one is the
best choice for the task at hand.
 She likes to chew up our shoes when we aren't at home so I have to keep her
kenneled. She is a real people dog and I think retirement would be the worst
thing that could happen to her.
Good luck with your decision. Others have had very good advice.

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