[blparent] Gift Suggestions for an 8-year-old?

Allison (NFBA) nfbarizona at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 04:22:32 UTC 2009

    Well, finished up Christmas shopping for 8-year-old Nathaniel today. 
hoping he
likes what we got.  I bought him Jenga because someone on this list
it.  Thank you whoever you are... sorry don't remember.  I also got him Uno
Attack because all my students loved that game when I brought it to Blind
Inc one summer.  I have to sit through the torturous task of hand-brailling
all the cards, but my little guy's worth it.  Still, I wish Santa would come
Braille for me!  I also got him a play-dough fun factory because he loves
the play-dough I got him for his birthday.  Dad doesn't like the mess, but
he'll live. LOL.  Then we also got Nathaniel K'nex... which are little
magnetic building things.  I won't be able to follow the instructions to
help him make all the creations listed on the box, but he and I can play
with them freestyle and just invent things to build.  I think he'll like
that fine.  I got him a small genaric set of magnetic building pieces for 
his birthday and he liked 'em well enough that I think he'll like the k'nex. 
In fact, I'm wearing a magnetic necklace and crown as I type this.  He made 
those for me tonight.
We also got him moon shoes which are little shoes with elastic that
enables a kid to jump around like he's on a trampoline.  I was surprised
when I found 'em at K-mart cause I didn't know they made them anymore.  I
know they're fun cause I had some 20 years ago when I was a kid.  Lastly I
got him accessible Connect Four from The Braille Super
Store, but it remains to be seen whether this will ever come in the mail or
not--since I ordered it in mid Nov and it still hasn't appeared.  The
company insists it's our post office's problem, but I'm not so sure.

Those are some of the things we bought for Nathaniel for Christmas.  I
thought I'd post 'em to the list in case others were still looking for

Thanks to everyone who replied to my questions related to this thread!


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