[blparent] toddler development question

Nikki Fugett-Dobens nfugett at cinci.rr.com
Wed Dec 30 12:01:45 UTC 2009

Hi group.  I hope you all had a good Christmas.  
I had a question about toddler development.  My 17 month old got some puzzles for Christmas.  They are for children who are a year and a half old.  They are the ones with the big pieces so they're easy to handle for her.  So far, Mackenzie has always been pretty advanced for her age, she learns pretty quickly.  However, I tried to interest her in putting together a puzzle, and she didn't seem interested.  I took one piece out, and asked her to put it back, and she either tried to make the piece fit and couldn't, or she just wasn't interested.  
She isn't really interested in her shape sorter either.  I think she has mastered the circle, but she doesn't want to play with the other shapes.  Is this developmentally appropriate for her age? How can I get her interested in these concepts and toys? Mackenzie likes to climb and run, and she loves her musical toys, but honestly, other than that, she isn't really interested in toys.  She would rather play with a cell phone or my computer.  Thanks for any advice you have, and I hope all of you have a happy new year.  

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