[blparent] Questions about purchasing baby items

trishs slosser at metrocast.net
Thu Jan 15 21:23:05 UTC 2009

Concerning baby swallowing; if you blow, quickly, in their faces, 
they will swallow.

> ----- Original Message -----
>From: "Pickrell, Rebecca M.  (TASCSD)" <REBECCA.PICKRELL at ngc.com
>To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org
>Date sent: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 09:44:59 -0500
>Subject: Re: [blparent] Questions about purchasing baby items

>Shannon and list.
>For those of you that use the medicine cup, what makes the baby 
suck all
>Babies don't always finnish bottles, and I can't figure out how 
>device is useful.
>Can't a syrenge or dropper work better?
>Of course, the baby can always choose not to swallow which is 
>problem, I am simply wondering how this medicine cup works, and
>assumming that it does, why a regular baby bottle wouldn't work 
>To respond about carriers, I'd suggest that if you want to use 
one, find
>someone who specializes in them.  It's like running shoes, you 
don't buy
>high-end running shoes at Target.
>Anjilina, I don't know where you are, but check out Babywearing 
>in your area.
>I can point you to the woman that sold me my baby carrier and she 
>know of someone in your area.
>Know that baby-wearing is an art, not a science and it can take 
>time to get it right.
>It also can be hard finding what works for you, hence I suggest 
you find
>someone who sells carriers and can and will let you try them on.
>I use my ERGO, though it didn't work when my daughter was a 
>As for strollers, if you are concerned about the baby falling 
out, get
>one with a five point harness.
>The thing to remember is that not all things will meet all your 
>all the time.  Babywearing isn't a good idea in hot weather, and 
it can
>be tricky figuring out how to do it in very cold weather too.
>By conrast, strollers are a pain when it comes to crowds, stairs, 
>you can't pull each and every stroller as well as you'd like.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org 
[mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org]
>On Behalf Of Shannon Wells
>Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:13 AM
>To: NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List
>Subject: Re: [blparent] Questions about purchasing baby items

>I didn't have a theme for my babies room because I didn't have 
the money
>at the time and still don't.  As for accessible stuff, I already 
had a
>talking thirmometer, the kind you use in their mouth or under 
their arm.
>When it comes to medicine, I would just squeeze that thing on the
>dropper and hope I got the right amount.  Might sound like I 
don't care,
>but there wasn't a sighted person around and baby needed meds, so 
had to
>do what I could.  When they get a little older, I have found that 
a mouth
>seringe works great!
>There is out there if you can find it, a medicine cup with a 
>nipple on it, so the baby sucks the meds like a bottle.  Never 
fooled my
>second one, though.  Also, have a baby monitor that works great.  
Used a
>thing that went over my shoulders and the baby rested in front, 
but a
>sling is probably better when they are tiny.  I just couldn't 
find one I
>liked.  Used a stroller when walking with sighted people.  Tried 
to use it
>on my own, by pulling it behind me while using my cane, but it 
>going crooked and sidewalks around here are quite skinny.  She 
would have
>fell out in to the street.  Hope this helps.  Maybe you'll have 
>luck with a stroller, but I wanted mine close to me, too.
>Shannon Nicole Wells
>author of WILD HEART
>http://www.christianhomeplace.com http://www.poeticmonthly.com
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Anjelina" <cruz.anjelina at mchsi.com
>To: "'NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List'" <blparent at nfbnet.org
>Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 3:03 AM
>Subject: [blparent] Questions about purchasing baby items

>> 1.  Did you use a theme for your newborns room? If so did you go 
>> on texture of colors?
>> 2.  What adaptive equipment did you have to purchase?
>> I went browsing with my sister and saw ear thermometers and 
>> spoons.
>> I didn't know if most off the shelf products are accessible to 
>> 3.  I've decided to use a sling so she is closer to me, but did 
you use

>> a stroller at times?
>> I'm trying to add items to a registry but I don't want to add 
>> that I won't use.
>> Thanks for any answers.
>> Anjelina

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