[blparent] fruits and veggies

Amber Boggs amberboggs at socal.rr.com
Sun Mar 1 05:29:13 UTC 2009

That does help alot. Now lut me rumige threw my recipes and think for a few. 
I have a few thaughts rite off the bat, but but let me put it all in one 
email. I think you have some options though. Its hard, but I think you can 
emprove there diets with out them even noing it. grins
Amber Boggs

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Barbara Hammel" <poetlori8 at msn.com>
To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [blparent] fruits and veggies

> And the food suggestions you're all giving are great.
> If you want to know the foods that they'll eat, I'll list them here.
> Both will eat rice, spaghetti, bacon, cherios, krispex, goldfish, popcorn, 
> fried rice from the Chinese places, (it has some corn, peas and grated 
> carrot in it) pretzels, cheese curls, chocolate chip cookies, french 
> fries, (a new one for Jesse).
> Paul eats pepperoni, mac and cheese, those noodles in a cup, green beans, 
> he has before eaten apple, raw carrots and cooked mushrooms but not right 
> now, sauteed cabbage (haven't tried that one in quite some time), onions, 
> fortune cookies.
> Jesse eats chicken, beef, pork, little smokies, nutter butter cookies.
> They drink water and white milk.
> They do not like things with a smooth texture, no applesauce, yogurt or 
> mashed potatoes.  Jesse used to eat boiled potatoes but those went out 
> with the pureed food.
> Now I know all that junk food shouldn't be there and I'm trying to 
> relegate it to bedtime snack food, except the cookies that I'm trying to 
> convince Paul are dessert and daddy that he needs only two not three or 
> four.
> Does this help?
> Barbara
> If wisdom's ways you wisely seek, five things observe with care:  of whom 
> you speak, to whom you speak, and how and when and where.
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Amber Boggs" <amberboggs at socal.rr.com>
> Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:30 PM
> To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Re: [blparent] fruits and veggies
>> I am glad that you barbra posted this. I think that many on here do not 
>> understand that your boys were adopted, and are very special kneeds. Even 
>> with out there disabilities, they had a very unfare start, and things we 
>> may be able to try or expect out of our kids, you may not be able to 
>> expect, or do not have the time and energy to try. I think with any 
>> parent it comes down to picking your battels. Sadly you may have more 
>> then your fair share, and I am sure your doing a fine job.
>> I have not forgotten about your problem, and I am working my briain to 
>> see what I can come up  with for you. Did you post a list of everything 
>> they will eat and will not eat?
>> A list of what they will and will not drink would be grate to.
>> Hugs hun
>> Amber Boggs
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Barbara Hammel" <poetlori8 at msn.com>
>> To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 8:52 AM
>> Subject: Re: [blparent] fruits and veggies
>>> If you've ever run into a parent of a special needs child and thought 
>>> they weren't doing the best they could for that child like carrying 
>>> through with therapy goals, behavior plans and the like, I used to be 
>>> with you. Now I'm in that parent's place and I'm here to tell you there 
>>> are only so many battles a person can fight.  Food has not been our 
>>> battle much because we struggle with behaviors we fight all day and 
>>> non-sleeping issues and not putting out near as much as what's going in 
>>> problems.  God bless you all for juggling them all with your singleton 
>>> "normal" children. And thank God yours eventually grow up.  Ours just 
>>> keep inventing new difficulties.  I could write a book on all the tricks 
>>> a child who doesn't want to eat can play.  And I'm here to tell you, 
>>> there are some children who would starve themselves to death.  Sleep and 
>>> food intake are integral parts to keeping these two happy and 
>>> manageable. And by manageable I mean you can get them to cooperate and 
>>> you don't get bit, kicked, headbutted, bit, pinched, scratched and 
>>> screamed at all day.
>>> But for those of you who pray, do so.  We are on our way to getting a 
>>> communication plan in place that will be used at school and at home.
>>> So, you see, that's why that parent of a special needs child wasn't 
>>> doing all you thought they should for that child.  Their plate was just 
>>> so full and yet they were also required to juggle fifteen balls while 
>>> holding onto that plate.
>>> Barbara
>>> If wisdom's ways you wisely seek, five things observe with care:  of 
>>> whom you speak, to whom you speak, and how and when and where.
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "trishs" <slosser at metrocast.net>
>>> Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 7:29 AM
>>> To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [blparent] fruits and veggies
>>>> Personally, I'm with you.  I don't run a restaurant, and, as an adult 
>>>> in charge of my children, I know what's best for them, regardless of 
>>>> how they feel about it.  Cruel?  You have to be tough enough.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>From: "Jennifer Massey"<renandstimpy3 at comcast.net
>>>>>To: blparent at nfbnet.org
>>>>>Date sent: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 00:21:18 -0500
>>>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] fruits and veggies
>>>>>children learn from natural consequences as well.  My daughter
>>>> did not
>>>>>always eat what was on her plate.  We would sometimes have to
>>>> send her to
>>>>>bed with no dinner for not eating it.  Even though we did put it
>>>> in front of
>>>>>her to eat.  eventually she learned to eat what she was given or
>>>> she did not
>>>>>eat for that meal.  I know this sounds cruel but you can't force
>>>> a child to
>>>>>eat and can't keep giving them the same things that are there
>>>> favorites.
>>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>>From: "Veronica Smith" <madison_tewe at spinn.net
>>>>>To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org
>>>>>Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 11:05 PM
>>>>>Subject: Re: [blparent] fruits and veggies
>>>>>> Hey, guess what, you can get minute rice brown rice.  I know for
>>>> a fact, I
>>>>>> have some in my pantry right now.  and you can also cook it in
>>>> the
>>>>>> microwave.  1/2 cup rice, 1 cup water, some salt and 4 minutes
>>>> on high.
>>>>>> Make sure to stop and stir after 2 minutes and then continue.
>>>> Wala!
>>>>>> Barbara, not to be mean- Maybe its time to branch out.  As my Dr
>>>> always
>>>>>> said, a child will not starve themselves, if you only give a
>>>> certain food
>>>>>> and they don't eat it, keep giving it to them and they will.
>>>> When you're
>>>>>> hungry, you'll eat anything.  I know I will.  V
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Barbara Hammel" <poetlori8 at msn.com
>>>>>> To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 2:06 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [blparent] fruits and veggies
>>>>>>> We're never tried brown rice because we cook minute rice and
>>>> have not
>>>>>>> dabbled into cooking "real" rice.
>>>>>>> They won't eat fruits and vegetables at all except Paul will eat
>>>> green
>>>>>>> beans
>>>>>>> and he goes in carrot all-or-nothings.  Right now he won't eat
>>>> them.
>>>>>>> Green
>>>>>>> beans are the only one that seems to be tolerated any time
>>>> they're given.
>>>>>>> The only things they drink are mostly water but a little milk.
>>>>>>> Barbara
>>>>>>> If wisdom's ways you wisely seek, five things observe with care:
>>>> of whom
>>>>>>> you speak, to whom you speak, and how and when and where.
>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> From: "Veronica Smith" <madison_tewe at spinn.net
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 1:39 PM
>>>>>>> To: "blind parents" <blparent at nfbnet.org
>>>>>>> Subject: [blparent] fruits and veggies
>>>>>>>> Barbara, do your kids only like white rice, maybe you could add
>>>> in some
>>>>>>>> brown rice.  Do they like fruit juices?  You can make fruity
>>>> slushies,
>>>>>>>> using juice and fresh fruits.  How about cereals, you could add
>>>> some
>>>>>>>> fruity things there as well.  I like the idea of pureeing stuff
>>>> and
>>>>>>>> slipping it into the brownies.  V
>>>>>>>> I wish You a day of Peace, Happiness and Joy.
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