[blparent] hand sanitizer not good for kids

Veronica Smith madison_tewe at spinn.net
Mon Mar 16 04:08:45 UTC 2009

The sanitizing agent is alcohol.  Way back when, people used to sanitize
everything with rubbing alcohol. That's all it is with a little perfume
thrown itn. V

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Eva Adams
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 1:57 PM
To: NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List
Subject: Re: [blparent] hand sanitizer not good for kids

I looked at the article on scope, it said it is true.  I never thought hand
sanitizer would have that much harm to a kid.

----- Original Message -----
From: "The BlindTechs Network" <info at theblindtechsnetwork.com>
To: "NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "Camille Walls" <layteemia212 at yahoo.com>; "Larry and Carol" 
<lelotubby at qwest.net>; <blindparenting at googlegroups.com>; "Missy Cress" 
<missymae111304 at yahoo.com>; "julee mullen" <julesvernie at msn.com>; "Arlene
Owens" <arlene1976 at gmail.com>; "Ana Zambrano" <anazambrano88 at gmail.com>;
"Jeanie ONeil" <smileyjmo at yahoo.com>; "Mo Melton" <mogmel at earthlink.net>;
"Ashley Adams" <missashleya2007 at yahoo.com>; "betty wade" 
<poseygirl2 at gmail.com>; "Amy Hackathorn" <amy_hackathorn at kdor.state.ks.us>
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 1:28 AM
Subject: Re: [blparent] hand sanitizer not good for kids

> *sigh* Are? You? Serious?
> :P :D
> Gabe Vega
> The BlindTechs Network
> www.theblindtechsnetwork.com
> info at theblindtechsnetwork.com
> 623-565-9357 (voice)
> (206) 203-4400 (Fax Phone)
> On Mar 3, 2009, at 11:38 PM, Eva Adams wrote:
> This story was verified at:
> http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/sanitizer.asp
> Yesterday, my youngest daughter, Halle , who is 4, was rushed to the 
> emergency room by her father for being severely lethargic and 
> incoherent. He was called to her school by the school secretary for 
> being 'very VERY sick.'
> He told me that when he arrived, Halle was barely sitting in
> the chair. She couldn't hold her own head up and when he looked into   her

> eyes, she couldn't focus them.
> He immediately scooped her up and rushed her to the ER, and then  
> called me. When we got there, they ran blood test after blood test and
> x-rays, every test imaginable. Her white blood cell count was   normal, 
> nothing was out of the ordinary. The ER doctor told us that  he  had 
> done everything that he could do so he was sending her to  Saint  Francis
> further tests.   Right when we were leaving in the  ambulance, her teacher

> came to the ER and, after questioning Halle's  classmates, we found 
> out that  she had licked hand sanitizer off her  hand.
> Hand sanitizer, of all things. But it makes sense. These days they  
> have all kinds of different  scents and when you have a curious child,  
> they are going to put all  kinds of things into their mouths.
> When we arrived at Saint Francis, we told the ER doctor there to check 
> her blood alcohol level, and yes we did get weird looks, but  they did
> it. The results showed her blood alcohol level was 85% --   six hours 
> after we first took her. There's no telling what it would  have been  
> if we would have requested it at the first ER. Since then, her school  
> and a few surrounding schools have taken this out of the classrooms of  
> all the lower grade classes, but  what's to stop middle and high  
> school kids from ingesting the stuff?
> After doing research on the Internet, we have found out that it only 
> takes 3 squirts of the stuff to be fatal in a toddler. For her blood 
> alcohol level to be so high was to compare someone her  size to  
> drinking something 120 proof. So please PLEASE don't disregard  this  
> because I don't ever want anyone else to go through what my  family  
> and I have gone through. Please send this to everyone you know who has  
> children or are going to be having children. It doesn't matter what age.
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