[blparent] My mother's day present from Colyn

Tammy, Paul and Colyn tcl189 at rogers.com
Mon May 4 22:41:27 UTC 2009


Today at school Colyn learned all about Mommies, and as part of the lesson they made mother's day presents.  When I went to pick him up from school he gave me a recipe holder with a recipe for pizza that he'd made.  The recipe card said, "to make Pizza, You put popcorn on the top, put it in the oven for an hour and then it's ready.  Colyn 2009."  I don't know that it would make terriblly good pizza, but it was still very cute.  His mothers day card as usual made me cry, and I'm coppying the text below.  

begin quote:

take a tiny little person
sprinkle with love, generously
Add wonder, a dash of mischief 
And some curiosity
Give lots of room to grow and learn
And I will give to you 
a happy little boy or girl 
who'll make your dreams come true!

Happy Mother's day to all the mothers I know.  Hope this makes you smile as it did me.  Right on Cue, there's my other little recipe for Love.  smile


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