[blparent] Call for Help

Deborah Kent Stein dkent5817 at worldnet.att.net
Tue May 5 01:06:26 UTC 2009

Diane Starin from the NFB of California is trying to help a blind mother who 
is in a custody battle as part of a divorce case.  The woman's husband is 
claiming that she can't parent their child because she is blind.  Diane 
needs to gather information about any previous legal cases, especially in 
California, where blindness has been an issue in a custody battle.  If you 
have been personally involved in such a case, or if you can direct Diane to 
anyone who may be of assistance, please write to her off list at 
dstarin at societyfortheblind.org

Thank you very much.  These cases are terribly painful whenever they occur, 
and we really need to support one another!


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