[blparent] Accessible Games?

Allison (NFBA) nfbarizona at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 20:43:14 UTC 2009

Hi everyone,

I just joined this list today because Debby Stein recommended it and I have some questions about accessible games.  

My boyfriend's little boy is turning 8 this month and I'm shopping for birthday presents for him.  He's a sighted second-grader who *loves* computer and video games.  I'm trying to find out if there are any fun accessible games that I can play with him.  I'm looking for something for either the computer or the Wii that I can play without sight but that will also be graphically interesting to a sighted 8-year-old.  In short, which computer or video games can a blind adult and sighted child both play together?  The little guy loves World of Warcraft and Guild Wars, but as far as I can tell I can't play either of those.  He's a smart kid who is a grade ahead in math and grade level in reading.  I think educational games would be appropriate, but I'd really like to find something more action-packed and focused on fun.  I'm not an accessible computer game-player myself so I have almost no experience in this area.  Any suggestions you guys can give would be greatly appreciated!  


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