[blparent] Help before 7:30 Arizona Time Please

Gabe Vega theblindtech at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 10:40:01 UTC 2009



My daughter has had a great interest is woman supplies even before needing
them, she is 8.75 years old will be 9 in February. And she has been firmly
told it isn't time, for razors, shaving, lotions, etc.


Even before needing to ware bras I would catch her sneaking them from school
from other little girls to ware them and be cool I guess. She now wares a
double a so that isn't an issue anymore so it's this razor thing.


A couple of days ago I found a razor cap on the bathroom floor. Being I
don't shave I instantly walked up to her asking her where the razor was that
I suspected she had and she very much denied even knowing of one's
existences. I left it at that and we went on, although I always thought she
was just lying and I find it sooner or later, I always do and she always
gets caught.


So, tonight looking in the medicine cabinet looking for something for my
ear, I found the razor, it's a disposable razor just like the one matching
the cap I found on the floor a couple of days ago.


My problem:

I always let my daughter know why she is being punished, and then I asking
her to fully explain to me so I know she understands why she is being


Today she is scheduled to go to a field trip to a farm and she is really
looking forward to it. Should I keep her home for a form of punishment? The
entire school day is being spent at the farm so if I keep her home she would
be only missing out on the farm. Or do you recommend any other forms of


Please do understand we have talked, over and over and over about wanting to
grow up too fast, it has nothing to do with her not knowing. Its her not
listening, and lying about it when confronted with the evidence.





Gabe Vega A+, Net+, ATACP

The Tech of all Techs

(623) 565-9357


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