[blparent] How to keep toys in the stroller.

Shannan Zinck shannanzinck at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 19:14:04 UTC 2009

My son in noturious for biffing things halfway across the moon and back. He
loves to bang throw and shake things. Can't complain though as he is also
not one to put things in his mouth and he is .10 months now. Anyway I
pondered the thought of what to do when we are out with the stroller. Well
the best thing I have come up with so far is those little links you buy. I
made a long line of them and attached each end on both sides of the stroller
to the side bars. Then I took toys that would loop into the links and
attached them to various spots on the row. He loves it and no toys go
flying. It's great.

Shannan Zinck
Survival is letting GOD take over!!!

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