[blparent] My fears seem to be unfounded

Leanne Merren leemer02 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 04:03:33 UTC 2009

Hi Eileen,
That's great!  My kids and I listen to audio books together all the time and 
both of them are very interested in reading independently as well.  I 
haven't seen anything from either of them that would indicate that listening 
to books would make them not want to read.  There's no favoring one over the 
other, it just depends on the situation.  They will listen if they are doing 
other things like cleaning their room, or they will read if they are getting 
ready for bed and want to wind down.  I think both experiences are great.  I 
love hearing them mimick the voice inflection of the narrators.
Take care,
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eileen Levin" <eileenlevin at comcast.net>
To: "'NFBnet Blind Parents Mailing List'" <blparent at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 9:55 PM
Subject: [blparent] My fears seem to be unfounded

>I was very worried that listening to books might make Asher less interested
> in reading books. His 3 year old brother picked out a book by one of his
> favorite authors from the mobile library and Asher devoured all 95 pages 
> of
> the book. It was one of the first books we listened to together.
> I'm so relieved!
> Eileen
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