[blparent] I'm "officially" joining the list!!

amyprovencal at att.net amyprovencal at att.net
Tue Oct 6 23:32:38 UTC 2009

Hello to my fellow listers,
This is Amy Provencal, dropping in, with a note of good news. In case some of you may not remember me, I joined the list back in January of this year. I had asked a few questions about being lactose intolerant...well, anyways, I wanted to share our good news. My husband and I are expecting, we are due on March 21st!! I am in my 16th week now, and thankfully, my first trimester went pretty well. I am in the midst of trying to finish the first parenting course at Hadley, (which by the way, if anyone is thinking about taking parenting courses through Hadley, I highly recommend them!) My husband and I have felt very fortunate to have found the courses at Hadley, and to have also found this list, thank you Sharon! The e-mails that I do get to read here, are very helpful, and provide excellent insight, and have really helped to boost my self confidence, as I get closer to becoming a parent, with low vision, so thank you to the list!
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity.  These are but triffles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable." - Joseph Addison, English poet

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