[blparent] Home schooling

Karla Hudson HudsonKC at msu.edu
Sun Oct 18 22:22:19 UTC 2009

Hi Nikki, 

More power to you if you decide to home school.  The challenge will be
getting the materials in accessible formats.  Our daughter currently attends
public schools.  Oh yes, they are not without their problems.  However, I am
a super vigilant mom and stay on top of all issues for our daughter.  She is
a great kid and is learning much about our diverse world.  Don't get me
wrong we sometimes think about sending her to private and may change if we
find it necessary.  We pay lots in taxes to that public school so we want it
to work.  Also, the school is in walking distance to our home.  This is
important to consider the location of your school.  What if your child is
sick or gets injured you have to get them from the school.  

As far as the school knowing how to interact with two visually impaired
persons.  No, they won't have a clue.  I am very upfront with them about our
needs and situation.  Again in life you have to be your own best advocate.
You know best what you need to get your accommodations met.  Do not expect
the educators, public or private, to know what is needed.  They will be
surprised that you can get yourself dressed each day and tie your own shoes.
The fact that you have kids will probably be a shock to them.  I have found
just being confident gives me the upper hand. 

When thinking ahead to preschool have you thought about car pooling your
child with another parent or paying a driver.  These solutions have worked
for our family.  

I hope these suggestions help.  


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