[blparent] Helpful kids

Veronica Smith madison_tewe at spinn.net
Thu Nov 4 16:26:04 UTC 2010

Get the kids  to help around the house   Match tasks to kids' ages and
capabilities.. Are your kids pulling their weight? Child development
specialist Betsy Brown Braun, author of  You're Not the Boss of Me , says,
"Chores build the child's sense of responsibility as well as a sense of
value to the family unit. Her tips, from family organizer site Cozi.com, for
getting kids to help out:               Plan a chore list. Involve your
child and start with tasks your child can accomplish and feel good about.
And be clear: Does trash duty mean carrying a bag from the back door to the
sidewalk, or remembering trash day, being in charge of recycling and
restocking the bags? Raise the bar. Even the smallest kids can put away a
toy and hang up a wet towel. School-age children can clean their room, feed
pets and set the table. Tweens and teens can manage their own schedules and
remember activities, practices and appointments. Don't be critical. Expect
chores to be done, have reasonable expectations, be patient and praise a job
well done. Don't resort to "Oh, nevermind - I'll do it myself! .

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