[blparent] Wow!

Rhonda Kubehl rhondakubehl at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 11:52:42 UTC 2010

With Winter Porring in, and Snow drawering near...
Corban (25) months asked me last night
"Mommy, why is the guy on the street sad, I replied, he's homeless, and 
has no family, or place to cal home. He sais, But we do... I replied, 
Some people can't aford what we have, you should be blessed, he says I 
am, just a little sad. I asked Why? He says I get toys, food, Love, 
cloths, my bible, and he gets nothing. I say what should we do? He says 
pray for him. So, we stop to talk to the guy, and ask him if we can pray 
for him... Corban says a little prayer, and then he goes Mommy he looks 
cold, can we buy him a scarf, hat, and mittens... That'll make him happy.
So, we did, and the guy still comes over to play outdoor games with 
Corban, and Corban has invited him for Thanks Giving.
He says, He wants a Job, to buy him a Gift at Christmas.
It made me cry... because I'm not that giving, I didn't expect my 
2-year-old to understand giving at a young age... he hates to share his 

I just had to share My wow Moment With My Little Guy, it has inspired me 
to take, and have our families thanks giving, and Christmas at the 
Salvation Army, it'll be allot of cooking, but worth it!

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