[blparent] Let go of my tail!

Joy Wolf joy at kevinlwolf.net
Mon Sep 20 15:46:57 UTC 2010

Lol, this is too funny! Isn't it funny how kids seem to pick places like
church to come up with some of these things? When my son was about 2, we
took him with us to church, and of course, everyone was singing.  After the
song was over, and before the pastor began to speak, Jaden yells out? "these
people are singing tooooooo youd".  Lol, and nobody had any trouble
understanding him, despite his problem with the letter l.  The next story
isn't for anyone who has a sensitive stomach, but I think it was one of
those times I was the most embarrassed.  I wanted to crawl away and hide,
lol.  As you know, we have a guide dog.  As I'm sure you also know, guide
dogs are dogs first, guides second, and as such are definitely not perfect.
Mine had a habbit, before we gated it off, of getting into the cat litter.
Well, a couple Sunday's ago, the pastor called up all the kids for
children's sermon.  She started the conversation by saying a little about
her own dog.  She asked what dogs eat, and everyone said dog food.  Then,
she asked another question.  She asked whether dogs ever eat things they
shouldn't, like human food.  My son, who says nothing in a group unless he
feels he really has something to say, piped up in a very loud and clear
voice, "sometimes they eat cat poop".  Oh my goodness, I was horrified, and
the rest of the congregation was in hysterical laughter.  It had to be my
son, didn't it? Lol.  It's one of the greatest things about kids, but one
that also has the greatest potential to cause parent embarrassment; kids say
whatever it is that comes to mind without worrying about what anyone else
might think.  Thanks for sharing that cute story, and havve a great week.

Joy and family

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