[blparent] Advisory Commission on Accessible Instructional Materials inPostsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities (AIM Commission) to meet in Seattle

Riccobono, Mark MRiccobono at nfb.org
Sun Jun 26 03:57:32 UTC 2011

-- begin information release --
On July 11-12, 2011, members of the Advisory Commission on Accessible 
Instructional Materials inPostsecondary Education for Students with 
Disabilities (AIM Commission) will convene for their fourth in-person 
meeting.  The meeting will be held at the Sheraton Seattle in 
Seattle, Washington in conjunction with the Association on Higher 
Education and Disability (AHEAD) annual conference.  AIM Commission 
members will review and discuss a draft of the AIM Commission's 
report that will be submitted to Congress in the fall of 2011.
On the evening of Tuesday, July 12, 2011, AIM Commission members will 
hold a public commentary session for all interested stakeholders, 
including students, Disability Service/ADA Coordinators, faculty, and 
other members of the university community.  AIM Commission members 
are interested in gathering public commentary on stakeholders' 
personal experiences related to obtaining instructional materials in 
the postsecondary environment.
Additional details regarding the meeting and public hearing are as follows:
WHAT:     AIM Commission Meeting and Public Hearing
WHERE: The Sheraton Seattle
                  1400 6th Avenue
  Seattle, Washington  98101
DATE:     Commission Meeting: July 11-12, 2011
                  Public Hearing: July 12, 2011
TIME:     July 11: The open meeting will occur from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 
p.m. (PDT)
                  July 12: The open meeting will occur from 8:30 a.m. 
to 3:30 p.m. (PDT)
                  July 12: The public hearing will take place from 
4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (PDT)
Participants who wish to comment at the public hearing in person or 
via telephone are encouraged to register in advance by calling Janet 
Gronneberg at the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) at 
781-245-2212 (voice) or 781- 245-9320 (TTY) or by emailing her at 
<mailto:jgronneberg at cast.org>jgronneberg at cast.org by June 30, 
2011.  The submission of written public testimony is also highly 
encouraged and can be submitted to 
<mailto:AIMCommission at ed.gov>AIMCommission at ed.gov.
The AIM Commission meeting and public hearing can be accessed 
remotely through the Voice Over InternetProtocol (VOIP) webinar 
system.  Please click on the link below that corresponds with the 
correct time and date of the meeting:
Monday, July 11 (8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. PDT): 

Tuesday, July 12 (8:30a.m.-3:15 p.m. PDT): 

Tuesday, July 12 (3:30a.m.-9:00 p.m. PDT): 

The meeting and publichearing are both open to the public and are open press.
Established by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, the AIM 
Commission has brought together government leaders, representatives 
from the publishing industry, individuals with print disabilities, 
representatives from two- and four-year institutions of higher 
education and leaders in accessible technology.
The AIM Commission is charged with studying the current state of 
accessible materials for students with disabilities in postsecondary 
education and making recommendations to the Secretary of Education 
and the relevant authorizing committees in Congress for improving 
access to and the distribution of instructional materials in 
accessible formats.

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