[blparent] hi erin

jan wright jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com
Mon May 23 16:12:09 UTC 2011

Hi Erin,
had some questions.
Actually, we plan on doing a cosleeping arrangement because it just
works better for nursing ---
at least, it did with  others. for me, I could tell more of what my
baby needed if I kept him/her close to me even when sleeping.
I can eliminate most of the factors related to SIDS, though which is good.
i can't stand smoke.

We plan on having a cradle or bassinet, (although not boughten yet),
but not a baby bed for a variety of reasons.
A 'sleeping sackg' instead of baby blankets??
hmmm. didn't know that they were out there. But, these sound quite
interesting and seems also to be quite warm. Since I am due in
December, I'll have to find one or two, as well as those swattling

i plan on nursing as long as possible and don't want to introduce food
until necessary.
i know that people try to get you to start with solids -- even as soon
as six weeks -- or even sooner.
But, from what i have read, it increases obesity and allergies.
Wow! no water either? That has changed, as has the juice thing.
They use to say juice at six months and water whenever.
What is the logic for "no water?"
Hey, I'll be drinking a moderate amount of juice, so that will be ok.
I can remember with my other children; doctors and nurses were big on
giving juice for nutrition at six months and introducing rice,
barley/etc cereal and even babyfoods.
That is one reason that i decided to nurse because i figured that the
baby would get the best nutrition without having to supplement with
foods for the nutrients that he/she might not be getting with formula.
but, I know that this is a personal choice; so am not trying to offend
anyone who formula fed.

Although, i do plan to nurse, after a while, I'll also pump. I don't
know how these old breasts are going to adjust, but we will see.

I want to find some good cloth diapers, but am not sure if they would
be just as irritating and how expensive they are.
Thanks for the diaper rash tips. I'll certainly use them.
I did wonder if something a bit more natural
such as natural oils would help moisturize baby's skin instead of
mineral oil/ petrolium jelly type of substances which i would rather
not use.
i know that ppl use A&D ointment for diaper rash, but if I can find
something a bit less medication like and a bit more natural, I'm

 Hmmm, renting verses buying a pump --- any thoughts. And, price wise,
can anyone give me a clue of about how much I would spend doing

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