[blparent] Children, canes and mimicking

Sheila Leigland sleigland at bresnan.net
Wed Oct 5 21:45:05 UTC 2011

Hi  i think that kids doing things llllike being interested in braille or the cane is perfecthly natural. Our  son liked doing theese things at least some. He only had problems when adults that should have known better expected him to be guides or thought he was blind just because both of us are.  We took him to a national convention just before  he turned nine and he realized that he didn;'t have to be responsible for us and quickly informed us that if we could perform a particular task that he had no intention helping I; have had carpal tunnel surgery and is perfectly willing to help wwith things that  he usually doesn't have to help with which I appreciate. Opplease forgive my mistakes.

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