[blparent] blind parents information

jan wright jan.wrightfamily5 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 19:16:36 UTC 2011

Hi Pippi,
i did not know that sighted people also dressed their babies that way. THANKS!!!
It was just easier for me.
And: this is a great point.
Blind people are made to feel that if they do things differently: it
is either wrong or just because they are blind. Not true.
sheila, we are both blind, as well. OK, we have to start looking for a
good pediatrician.
Hmmm, I did not have much of a choice when my children were born: only
one peditrician in the entire town.... ... now it is different.
But, now i live in a large city.
So, I'll write a new msg about questions to select a respectful pediatrician.

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