[blparent] Passing the baby

Bridgit Pollpeter bpollpeter at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 4 19:45:55 UTC 2012

Being the oldest child in my family, I was never big on sharing or
speaking up for that matter, grin. I suppose if I were around a large
crowd of people, especially if I did not know many of them well, or at
all, I would be kind but firm in insisting I'll keep Baby near me. I'm
also not a real touchy-feely person, and unless immediate family or
close friends, I wouldn't be real comfortable with people holding my
child. Plus, since losing my sight, I tend to be more cognizant of these
things when in public. Ross and I tend to corral our nephews and nieces
when around them more than anyone else. I get a little nervous when the
kids run around especially out door areas and adults are not supervising
carefully. In the last couple of years, had it not been for blind Aunt
Bridgit and Uncle Ross, the kids would had run into streets several
times, large quantities of food would have ended up on the floor, kids
would run around bottomless on multiple occasions, table decorations,
including candles, would have found a new arrangement on the floor,
kids would have fallen down flights of stairs  and once, a Christmas
tree would have toppled over. And these are just the things I can recall
off the top of my head, smile.

Bridgit Kuenning-Pollpeter
Read my blog at:
"History is not what happened; history is what was written down."
The Expected One- Kathleen McGowan

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