[blparent] inflatable tub bumpers

Erin Rumer erinrumer at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 02:11:32 UTC 2012

Yes, that's what I do with Dawson as well but I use a fish shaped bath mat
that he enjoys and I can throw it in the washer when it needs it.  He'll be
a lot older than he is now before I don't have a hand on him at all times
since kids can drown in just one inch of water and it's a silent killer
which is the freaky part.  I met several moms back in Tucson who's kids
drown to death in swimming pools which confirmed to me that you can't be too
careful around water.


-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Veronica Smith
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 6:56 PM
To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [blparent] inflatable tub bumpers

I used to put a big towel in the tub so gab didn't slide and since I was the
paranoid one, I always kept one hand on her at all times.

-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Brandy W
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 7:04 PM
To: 'Blind Parents Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [blparent] inflatable tub bumpers

I wouldn't get them. I would do 1 of 2 things. Either just get the smaller
inflatable tub that goes in the big tub, or get the foset protector, and
teach him we only sit in the tub. I've taught babies as young as 10 months
to sit in the tub. Because the bumpers actually aren't going to help because
he can still hit his head, he could pull on them and them slide down, and
they are horrible to keep clean. Just my thoughts,


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-----Original Message-----
From: blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:blparent-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
Behalf Of Erin Rumer
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2012 7:42 PM
To: NFB blind parent listserv
Subject: [blparent] inflatable tub bumpers

Hello list,


I am considering getting those inflatable bumpers for the regular tub that
suction cup to the sides.  They come in Sesame Street and other fun designs.
My only worry is that they might not stick like they should but I'd love to
put something on the tub walls to make the big tub a safer place for our 17
month old.  Have any of you used this product? 





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